5 Most Loved Frozen Treats with Belgian Chocolate In the World

Are you craving for some chocolate treats this winter? Are you searching for some amazing Belgian chocolate recipes? We are here to help you out with It. As you know that original Belgian chocolate is made from 100% cocoa butter where other manufacturers make Belgian chocolate with other types of vegetable fats. Having the most genuine Belgian chocolate for any frozen dessert recipe will be important. Let’s find out about the Belgian chocolate recipes which you can also have in your frozen display.

Chocolate-Covered Banana Bites:

Take 12 ounces of dark chocolate, 2tbsp coconut oil, 3 ripe bananas, 3 cups total toppings of any sprinkles, chopped nuts, shredded coconut, etc.
To make chocolate covered banana bites, first, melt the chocolate into a saucepan and bring it to simmer. try to melt the chocolate on the stove rather than on stove Add coconut oil into the chocolate mixture and stir slowly. Pour pieces of banana one by one into the melted chocolate mixture with the melt of toothpick or fork. Coat them into crushed nuts, coconut, and sprinkles and carefully align them into a clean tray and freeze it for half an hour. There, you have amazing chocolate banana bites.

Chocolate Sorbet:

You will need water 20 fl.oz. , caster sugar 7 oz, cocoa 2 oz, dark chocolate (chopped) 2 oz, vanilla extract (1 teaspoon).
Tip the sugar into a bowl and sift in the cocoa and stir. Bring the water to boil. Whisk in sugar and cocoa and return to a gentle simmer. simmer uncovered for 5 minutes and whisk occasionally. Remove the chocolate from heat and stir chocolate and vanilla until chocolate has melted. Cool the mixture in the chiller for several hours until its chilled. Make a sorbet ice-cream machine or pour it into a rigid container and freeze. Whisk the break down the ice crystals and freeze again for an hour more. Whisk and freeze again one more time, leave until it is frozen.

Panna Cotta with Chocolate and Red Fruits:

Take 2,5 oz dark chocolate, 2 leaves gelatin, 1 oz sugar, 123 fl.oz cream with less fat, 5,5 oz frozen forest fruit.
Soak gelatin leaves in cold water for 5minutes. Pour the cream and 0,7 oz of sugar in a pot. Cook it and add the squeezed gelatin before you take it off the heat. Add chocolate and leave for 1 min then whisk. Pour in the glass and leave it to set in the fridge for some hours. Pour forest fruits in a colander. Defrost them. Heat the fruits in a pot with sugar on low heat. Leave for simmer 2 minutes and take off from the heat. Leave to cool. Serve with fruits.

Guylian Chocolate Shake:

For this recipe, you will need 517 fl.oz milk, 3 tbsp chocolate powder, ½ tablespoon vanilla sugar, 3 tbsp vanilla ice-cream, 1 box chopped Guylian seashell truffles.
Mix all the ingredients and shake well. Serve in a tall chilled glass and sprinkle with chopped Guylian seashells truffle.

Chocolate Egg with Chocolate Mousse:

Take 3 eggs, 2 oz chocolate, 2 tbsp sugar, 6.4 fl. oz cream, 2 hollow chocolate eggs to fill.
Melt the chocolate. Separate the eggs whites from the yolks. Mix the yolks with sugar until a foamy mass. Fold the molten chocolate in the yolk mix. Whisk the eggs whites into soft peaks. Gently fold this into the chocolate mix. Add egg white step by step. Beat the cream and don’t whip. Fold this cream into the mix and pour in the eggshells. Refrigerate them for hours.


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