Ultimate Tricks to Crush Ice for Frozen Drinks in 1 Minute

There are a lot of drinks that actually depend upon the brilliant powers of crushed ice. The ingredients to make various drinks are vital, however, it is essentially the crushed ice that makes these beverages highly delightful. Crushed ice not just makes intense ingredients softer or thins out viscous ingredients, yet it likewise gives a prompt chilling effect to the drinks. It is quite easy to make crushed ice. You just need to take some ice out of ice makers and crush it using any of the below-given quick methods.
1. Use a Blender or Food Processor to Crush the Ice:
A very simple trick to crush ice for your frozen drink in one minute or less is to use a bender or a food processor. Moreover, you don’t need to have a large-scale blender for this purpose. So, take out the ice from your freezer or ice maker, put it into the blender or food processor. Then close the lid of the blender very carefully.
Now use the pulse button or highest speed button to crush the ice very well. Strain it quickly to avoid getting any extra water into your drink. You can use the crushed ice immediately or save it for later use. For storage, place the crushed ice in a plastic bag that is sealable, and place it into the freezer.
2. Make Crushed Ice by Muddling Ice in a Cocktail shaker:
Another ultimate trick to make crushed ice for your frozen drinks is to muddle the ice in a cocktail shaker. This method will also take a minute or even less. So, take out the ice from the freezer and quickly add it into the cocktail shaker. You must not overfill it with the ice, just keep it almost halfway with the ice. Now you need to strongly hold the shaker on a solid surface such as a strong table or kitchen countertop.
Ensure that you feel highly comfortable with the working height while crushing the ice. In case you do not have a cocktail shaker at your home, you can likewise use a highly durable pint glass. Simply ensure that it is made of sufficiently thick glass material that can bear the beating from the muddler. Finally, utilize a solid muddler to crush the ice and use it for your frozen drinks.
3. Make Crushed Ice using a Lewis Bag:
To make a very fine and good-quality crushed ice, use very cold and dry ice. So, take out the ice from the freezer or ice maker and place it into the Lewis bag immediately and close it properly. In case you do not have a Lewis bag, no need to worry about it. You can simply utilize a germ-free and dirt-free piece of towel or a piece of canvas fabric.
After adding the ice into Lewis bag, place it on a solid surface, hold from its closed-end, and crush the ice using a hammer. You need to do this entire procedure as fast as you can. The reason is that the ice will begin to soften when you take it out of the freezer.
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