5 perfect exam preparation tricks for high school students

In student’s life, exams are mostly a source of stress. Most of the time the reason for this stress is not having proper study schedules. Students also don’t know exam preparation tricks that help in getting good grades. Moreover, these tricks help to develop healthy study patterns and to avoid last moment cramming and stress. Besides this, students should also be familiar with exam rules and regulations provided by the student exam management system. And here are a few preparation tricks for high school students:
Make A Schedule and Stick to it:
To build a habit of studying that will ultimately help you in exams preparation, you need to stick to a set routine. A fixed study pattern will develop mental endurance and brain pathways over time. Moreover, you should always remember that, to develop studying ability, you need to dedicate effort and be consistent.
As the trick indicates ‘stick to your schedule’, so, you should sit for study at a fixed time. Dedicate at least 1-2 hours for study daily aside from doing homework. Moreover, it’s better to split your study time with short breaks.
Study at the Same Place:
Having the right environment for the study is as important as having a fixed schedule. Because the environment not only influences your mood but also has an impact on your productivity and concentration. So, find a peaceful space for study. You can specify one or two locations for study and stick to them. These places can be in your home or maybe a library.
You can also experiment with different spaces and find the right place for yourself. Select the place according to your individual choice. It can be a crowded place or a completely silent place. It’s up to you.
Focus on Study Hygiene:
The concept of study hygiene sounds interesting. It includes having a clear partition between your work and the rest area. Because if we study on the bed or in the rest area, we can’t concentrate properly. Studying in bed also leads to insomnia and stress. Study hygiene also stresses to put distractions far away. These distractions can be phone or eatables or games. So, the tip here is to remove these distractions from your study area altogether.
Try Different Study Methods:
There are different modes of study. So, you should try different methods to store the lessons learned in long term memory. These methods include writing your lessons, learning by teaching others, reading aloud, etc. You can also combine different methods for better learning. Using different methods will not only prevent mental fatigue due to the same method but will also help in the recall.
You can also use the rephrasing technique when you have to read large books like history and literature. At the end of each page or chapter, re-summarize it and make a mental note.
Teach the Lessons to Someone Else:
Have you heard that teaching is learning twice? Teaching others helps to make your concepts clear and a great way to distil your thoughts. So, find a friend or class fellow and explain your lessons to him/her. And if you are a person who likes to study alone, then you can sit in front of the mirror or teach your stuffed animal.
Teach your lessons aloud and assume that the other person sitting next to you needs more clarification. It will make you think of new ways to understand the lesson.
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